How does NANA?

Heya,  Ricardium here!

The main thing that makes NANADIGM SHIFT different from every other endless flying dodging type game is the scaling which happens to the player vessel. 

The core idea we started with was that if you scale a moving object down and scale a camera's relative position to it the same amount, it gives a visual impression of the object moving faster even though the speed hasn't changed. 

there's also an interesting illusion of the object staying the same size because relative to the viewer's perspective it stays the same.

Sadly that effect alone did not make for an engaging game so we ended up going with a more traditional "speed gets faster, faster is harder" gameplay,  eventually injected with bananas for theming purposes. 

This effect is still present in our finished game though, to the point that many players don't initially even realize they are scaling up and down (making the scale change more apparent is an improvement I'd like to make to the game in the future)

So I think it would be interesting to actually show the vessel outside of the player perspective. 

Initially I wanted the scale difference to be much bigger, so that on the small end you really end up nearly microscopic, but there are accuracy problems going that small and we didn't really have the time for a more complex solution which would involve scaling the environment relative to the target and making sure everything works fine with the vertex shader stuff we were doing for the turning etc. etc. 

This clip shows the gameplay from an orthographic perspective. Something you might notice is that, since the banana is "for scale",  it does actually stay consistent relative to the world regardless of how small or big the player is. 

As a bonus, here's an outside perspective of ultra mode, showing the fancy vertex shader doing it's curvy magic. 


nanadigm 22 MB
Aug 20, 2024



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Interesting discoveries about scaling, visualisation, and speed.

About the fake increase in speed, I wonder if it is linked to the camera getting closer to its reference point (here the ground). In an ice-skating game I made, to increase the feeling of speed, I had to get the camera closer to the ground.